Challenge Accepted…

I signed up for #ConvertKit “Grow Your Audience” challenge. If you have not yet subscribed to Olde Legend Altered’s newsletter, “Missives from the Never,” I’d appreciate your participation. I could win bonus prizes for gaining new emails to my mailing list…and YOU receive a free sample chapter from AESTHETIC CHARM, along with a brief newsletter on the 13th of each month.

Newsletters include updates for THE GREY CHRONICLES, novel secrets, myth-facts, videos, and/or mini-lectures by yours truly. Also, I occasionally share fellow author works in similar genres. During the challenge, I earn for new subscribers – so thank you in advance.

The real-world has been pretty hectic lately, but I’ve found time to complete my edits for EMINENT VICTIM, Vol. II in THE GREY CHRONICLES series. She’s been sent off for editorial review for another set of fresh eyes. Still planning for publication on 13 October 2021. I received my first review on Amazon – which made my day, spoke with a Reader at the salon – who is preparing a testimonial review (as she does not use the internet), and saw a few positive comments on Twitter – thank you all for your support!

Have a fabulous Labor Day!